Android Server | Nix Flakes
Android Server
Why? Why would you even? 😑
Ummm because it's fun lol
You can check out my post here where I setup a basic Android server that is truly headless 😂 stacked in the rack with ethernet and power.
Nix On Android
Nix-On-Droid is the Nix package manager on Android that has flake support baked in 🤤
I think you can all see where this is going? I have two racked, remotely accessible Google Pixel 5 phones with stable networking... ⚙️turn-turn ⚙️turn-turn 💡 We should deploy Nginx load balanced across the devices for funzies❗️
Android Server:
- git pull
my main Nix repo and deploy Android headless servers
- Host the same website on both Nginx hosts and load balance it
- HTTPS signed by a trusted CA
- Make it public
First step it to install git
to pull down my actual code repo. The default flake command for nix-on-droid is nix-on-droid switch --flake path/to/flake.nix
. Now that we have git
, grab the default .config/nixpkgs/nix-on-droid.nix
, any relevant files, and merge them into your current Nix flake setup. We can now apply changes with nix-on-droid switch --flake path/to/flake#device